How our project coordination and monitoring system works.
Project monitoring visit in India. © Karl Kübel Stiftung
In our partner countries we cooperate exclusively with local civil society organisations, so-called NGOs. This approach is based on the principles of our founder Karl Kübel (1909 – 2006). He was convinced that in our partner countries there is sufficient capacity and knowledge concerning the particular needs and challenges of deserving communities and families.
The majority of our projects are co-financed by public funding agencies. We must provide a guarantee to the public funding agencies that the planning of the project, the implementation, the reporting and the accounting are assured in a professional manner. Furthermore we consider ourselves a liaison between the interests of our partner organisations, the public and the political decision makers.
In order to have a quality management system in place, providing back-stopping, guidance and counselling to our local partners in time and to help the Karl Kübel Stiftung main office in Germany to select the right projects and to get reports and accounts, we have installed so- called “coordination offices” in our main partner countries India and the Philippines. On account of the regional and cultural linkages, our coordinating partner in India, the Karl Kübel Foundation for Child and Family (KKF), India, is also in charge of monitoring and coordinating our projects in Nepal and Myanmar.
In the Philippines we have entered into a contract with the local NGO Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in order to run a project coordination wing for monitoring projects being funded by Karl Kübel Stiftung. Hence, with these partners and the involved Monitoring Officers working under KKF and JPIC, we have a decentralised system of project monitoring which covers almost 90 % of our ongoing projects.
Beyond the above mentioned project coordination and monitoring system, our training institute, the Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education based in Coimbatore (South India) run by our partner organisation, the Karl Kübel Foundation for Child and Family (KKF), India, is another main pillar in our quality management. The institute provides a wide range of experience to equip our partners with the latest knowledge in project planning and implementation, from sectoral planning to monitoring, accounting and evaluation.